You just took your first step!

We’re excited to share this resource with you. Use the below flip book or download a PDF version here: The Strategic Framework For Integrating Culture Into Employee Wellbeing.

Bonus Tools and Downloads

To help you get the most out of this resource, we’ve created some great tools to help you fast track your progress. Be sure to download each resource below!

Organizational Culture Survey Tool

This survey will help you discover your organization’s cultural archetype, and which initiatives may work best for your employees.

Organizational Culture Survey Scoresheet

Paste in your survey results to get an immediate score.

Vision Statement Prompts

These prompts will assist you in creating a defined vision statement for your well-being program.

Corporate Culture Inventory Workbook

Use this workbook to define the unique components and brand assets within your organization that can be used to accelerate your well-being program engagement.

Bring your culture into your well-being program

Interested in learning more about Propel applies this framework to create fully customized well-being platforms for our clients?