How to Use Health Claims Data in Well-being Program Design

Welcome to the Well-being Wire, the bi-weekly newsletter focused on practical strategies and solutions that advance well-being in the workplace. Today we’ll be addressing the most comprehensive data insights your organization receives regarding health and a four-step process to use them for your well-being programming. Propel works collaboratively with our clients when it comes to […]

Why Your Culture Defines Your Well-being Program’s Success

Welcome to the Well-being Wire, the newsletter focused on practical strategies and solutions that advance well-being in the workplace. In this issue, we cover the pivotal role that your organizational culture should play in your well-being strategy and why it makes a world of a difference in taking your program from being “just another thing […]

Finding Your Program's Value Proposition

Welcome to the Well-being Wire, the newsletter focused on practical strategies and solutions that advance well-being in the workplace. In this issue, we’re discussing your well-being program’s value proposition. Understanding Value Proposition in Well-Being Programs To effectively market our well-being program, we must understand the concept of a value proposition. A value proposition is a […]

Getting the Most Out of Incentive Investment

Welcome to the Well-being Wire, the newsletter focused on practical strategies and solutions that advance well-being in the workplace. This issue is all about getting the most out of your investment into well-being incentives. In more than two decades of helping to build customized well-being programs that are different for each one of our clients, […]